It's not too late to change
voters' minds

Communicate more  persuasively with people you disagree with.

Struggling to change Republican minds?

Communicate more  persuasively with people you disagree with.


My conversations with conservatives become angry arguments.

Talk without fighting

Learn to stay cool and centered so you can be more persuasive.
Keep Calm

What to do?

I want to save democracy, but I’m afraid of damaging my relationships.

You can do both

Use compassion and empathy to defend democracy and strengthen your relationships.
Be More Persuasive


My loved one believes Right-wing conspiracy theories and disinformation.

They’re not lost forever

Help them return to reality (and turn off Fox News) with emotional connection and support.
Reach Them


My conversations with conservatives become angry arguments.

Talk without fighting

Learn to stay cool and centered so you can be more persuasive.
Keep Calm

What to do?

I want to confront racism, but I’m afraid of damaging my relationships.

You can do both

Use compassion to fight racism and strengthen your relationships.
Be A Better Ally


My loved one believes Right-wing conspiracy theories and disinformation.

They’re not lost forever

Help them return to reality with emotional connection and support.
Reach Them

Connection cures MAGA.
Help save democracy,
one conversation at a time.

Stop Arguing. Stop Avoiding.
Start Making a Difference.

Be a powerful voice for change without compromising your beliefs.

Learn the THREE keys to persuasive political communication


Lower defensiveness by creating safer conversations


Connect and build trust so people listen to your perspective


Reduce bias by encouraging empathy, rationality, and self-reflection

Be a powerful voice for change without compromising your beliefs.

Learn the THREE keys to persuasive political communication


Lower defensiveness by creating safer conversations


Connect and build trust so people listen to your perspective


Reduce bias by encouraging empathy, rationality, and self-reflection